L'Officina is a place dedicated to creativity that produces well-being and culture.
In this re-creative circle, we share experience and knowledge in order to ignite curiosity and weave links between cultures.
L'Officina is a workshop of the imagination.
The word officina, workshop, comes from the ancient word opificina, derived from opifex, worker, which in turn comes from opus, and facere, to do.
In the beginning, L’OFFICINA was a workshop, the laboratory of a creator, an environment in which artistic, literary and scientific works were produced; a centre of propulsion for intellectual and spiritual activities, a place where transformative and productive work was carried out.
“The close term officium, means duty, obligation, but also service, fidelity and kindness, a feeling of duty that allows us to look at life as giving service, working for, lending a hand to build a relational dimension greater than oneself, more human.”
(Vito Mancuso)


L’OFFICINA regularly organises exhibitions of artists from the region elsewhere, meetings with poets, writers, photographers and authors, theatrical performances, with the ardent desire to celebrate and share human creativity and ingenuity.
For more information and to propose a collaboration, call 338 90 25 234.
For this year’s calendar…Find out more
L’OFFICINA offers a wide range of activities to choose from.
You can:
- Consult a library of more than 1000 volumes in English, Italian and French.
- Study Le Cachemirien’s archive, a collection of 850 textile works and precious clothes.
- Discover the work of artists in residence, both local and non-local.
- Participate in workshops on art, crafts and creativity.
- Volunteer to develop communication and dissemination strategies for the area’s natural and cultural heritage.


Born out of the need to find inspiration and nourishment, as well as Jan and Rosenda’s passion for books, L’OFFICINA’s library contains over a thousand volumes on art, textiles, design, architecture, travel, poetry, literature and psychology, in English, Italian and French. We offer the opportunity for library science students to work on the material to do a thesis on cataloguing.
The archive of Le Cachemirien is a collection of 850 textile works and precious clothes, creations spun, woven and embroidered by hand in India. The collection, unique in the world, is the result of Rosenda Arcioni Meer’s creativity and sensitivity. It is not for sale but can be visited by appointment only.


Past events in words and pictures.
A space where workshops and conferences, theatre performances and exhibitions take place, where people and associations come together to learn and teach, share, imagine and create together.

A few of our activities
The OFFICINA offers a wide range of activities to choose from.
You can:
- Consult a library of more than 1000 volumes in English, Italian and French.
- Study the Le Cachemirien archive, a collection of 850 textile works and precious clothes.
- Discover the work of artists in residence, both local and non-local.
- Participate in workshops on art, crafts and creativity.
- Volunteer to develop communication and dissemination strategies for the area's natural and cultural heritage.

SOPHROLOGY, living in harmony
Workshops for adults and children, in groups or individually, aimed at learning breathing, visualisation and relaxation techniques.

Art that is life
Group workshops for children and adults to discover their own creativity through movement, breathing, writing and drawing. For these forms of expression there is no need for any artistic knowledge, just the desire to listen to one’s inner world.

Photography, the book about me
Workshop for children and teenagers aged 10 to 16 who make a book about themselves, reflecting on their own experiences and interviewing parents, grandparents and friends. An approach to photography that follows the curriculum of the association “Outside the lens”.

Ceramics, Terra mia
Workshop for adults. Knowing how to listen to the earth in the microcosm of a piece of clay to give shape to our inner world.

Let’s play in ENGLISH
Workshops in English for children and teenagers aged 6 to 16, learning the language through play.

The India circle
A weekly meeting for India lovers to discuss various topics related to this great country, its culture, history and development, with the possibility of using the research support offered by L’OFFICINA’s vast library.